The first one I ordered came in a plain brown box with no manual or warrantee card. It wasn't even bubble-wrapped! Hearing the horror stories of EGO not honoring warrantees from 3rd party sellers (read the Amazon reviews), I returned it and was lucky to source one directly from Amazon LLC itself, for about the same price.I mean when you buy something from a home improvement store, does it come packaged like this??? There is a question that if you are able to successfully register the serial number online, you are safe. But when you try to do so, EGO asks where you bought it from. If you specify 'Other', is the warrantee denied when you try to exercise it?I would take no chances. Either buy an EGO product from a retail store or see if you can source one directly from Amazon LLC. You might have to pay a 50% higher price compared to the 3rd party vendors, but it's worth it. Unfortunately, when I checked a different model EGO charger, the only sellers on Amazon were 3rd party, so you might have to wait a bit until it's available direct.