I have given my review 4 stars ⭐️ because the engineering is basically very good. Easy to use, battery is sufficient (except when mowing heavy grass) like the features that it offers with the exception of one. The plastic deck, poly carbonate, or otherwise, I don’t think it’s the best thing for a mower deck. Also, the shaft, which holds the blade on the bottom looks fairly thin, compared to a regular engine mower. And short, this mower would be great for a normally well-kept lawn. (without lots of debris in the grass like rocks or toys or anything else). If you have a rough lawn one like out in the country or somewhere where there are lots of toys or other debris that can hit the blade, I feel that it would only be a matter of time that the shaft would be knocked out of alignment. Also, the pinging I hear when something in the lawn hits the deck , no matter how small it is, concerns me. I see there are other models made by ego that have an aluminum deck, and if I had to do it all over again, I would probably get one of those. However, so far it has been an efficient machine, well engineered, good features, and plenty of power to mow the lawn. I’ve had the lawnmower a couple of months now. So far so good.Follow up:Haven’t had the machine now for a full mowing season, I have to say it’s been a pleasure to use over the gas versions I was using. Lighter, more efficient, bagging works well or even heavy grass if you take your time and dump them more often. Now that I have learned to use the machine with this little ins and outs, I’ve learned that the self propel mechanism being an electric motor is best when used as to start the momentum of the machine when in tight spots or an incline, then push the machine yourself so that the mechanism doesn’t jump as it sometimes will when you engage and disengage the self propelled motor. In all, I would give it a thumbs up for the season.