Used this in last 3 winters in Montana. It "works," but buyer beware:1) don't count on it throwing 35'. Move the decimal. It MAYBE throws snow 3.5 feet on a good day. Rocks? Sure, they'll go 35'2) go find 7.5a batteries. It's under-powered with 5a batts, and if your driveway is more than 10' long, it'll take you all day to clear it3) if you are over 5'8" tall, you should find a different model with a telescoping handle... Or a good chiropractor4) buy soare parts. I've replaced the auger paddles twice, the full auger once, and needed a new scraper blade for each season (actually 2 this year)Disclaimer: I have a gravel driveway, and this model doesn't have rock skids like the bigger ones do. Likely to drop the $1,500+ on a gas-powered model after this winter, as I have beaten the living s**t out of the Ego blower. Otherwise, decent construction, intuitive engineering made replacing parts easy. Ego products are generally awesome. I burned out a chainsaw after felling and blocking probably 25 trees, shorted out a leaf-blower after 4 years of use, and have run miles of string through the weedeater. Haven't used the mower, but I'm sure it's good, too.